Self-care for Caregivers

You have needs too: connection, rest, play, peace, autonomy and well-being.

Good self-care will increase...

Cartoon heart graphic

my physical and emotional health

Graphic of a person celebrating

my resiliency and ability to move forward

Shaking hands graphic

the quality of care I can provide for my Family member OR Friend

Step 1. Caregiver Bill of Rights

Remember each day that you have rights as a caregiver. Save this list or print it out.

These rights, written decades ago by Jo Horne and published by Caring Village are even more relevant today with aging populations.

When reading this list, ask yourself, "Am I exercising these rights now?"

It is not being selfish to think about your needs and to make sure that your needs are being met.

Step 2. Create a Self-Care Plan

Micro Minutes

If you only have micro minutes to spare: think of what makes you smile, try deep breathing, play with your pet or send a text.

Some Minutes

If you have some minutes: go for a walk, read your favourite book, listen to music, phone a friend, or have a long shower.

Many Minutes

If you have many minutes: go on a nourishing outing, engage in a hobby, learn something new, attend a support group, or go away for a weekend!

As a caregiver, your health and well-being must be a priority. 

Planning to incorporate self-care into your regular routine will help you and those around you, in your caregiving journey.  Find what works best for you.

For additional emotional support visit or talk to your family physician. ​

“Taking care of yourself is the most powerful way to begin to take care of others.”

- Bryant McGill

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Copyright @ 2025. All rights reserved. Champlain Hospice Palliative Care Program.


Champlain Hospice Palliative Care Program
60 Cambridge Street North
St-Vincent Hospital
Ottawa, Ontario
K1R 7A5