Practical Caregiver Training

Cost:  FREE

Languages:  English and French

Location:  Online

Schedule:  5-Week Workshop Series, 2.5 hours per session

Who is this training for?

Unpaid caregivers of someone with a life-limiting illness. Personal support workers are not able to take this training.

We also provide the Practical Training material free to organizations who are interested in running their own Practical Caregiver Training sessions.

Front view of senior woman and caregiver on a walk in park, talking
Elderly couple sitting on bench

Course description

A 5-week workshop series which makes the caregiving experience safer and less stressful for caregivers and their loved ones.

The goals of this training is to:

  • Increase caregiver skills and knowledge
  • Increase caregiver support networks
  • Decrease caregiver stress

Course schedule

This is the schedule we have found works best over a 5 week-period.

The modules are independent of each other and can be rearranged to work with each organization's objectives and needs.

However, we have found that a 5-week (2 hours per week) format has worked best for the caregivers we have trained. We recommend no more than 12 caregivers at each workshop.

Are you a member of a health organization and want to run this training?

Course materials for organizations

Each health organization will receive the following materials to facilitate their own Practical Caregiver training course:

  • PowerPoint slides and videos
  • Facilitator and Participant Guides

All course materials are free to your organization, as long as your training is provided free of charge and you provide feedback to help us improve our materials.

Pitch this training to your organization

Our Program Proposal provides an overview of the program and a summary of the resources you need to run it.


Woman helping elderly man with walker


"I could not have taken care of my husband without it. The course made it possible for him to stay home; he passed away peacefully in bed during a nap."

Practical Caregiver Training participant

“All the information was extremely useful and very helpful to me and others as full-time caregivers. I wish I had all this information at my disposal for the last 2 years."

Practical Caregiver Training participant

Contact us

Contact us at for information on upcoming course dates or running a training session. 

Or subscribe to our newsletter to stay updated on sessions we're offering.

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Copyright @ 2025. All rights reserved. Champlain Hospice Palliative Care Program.


Champlain Hospice Palliative Care Program
60 Cambridge Street North
St-Vincent Hospital
Ottawa, Ontario
K1R 7A5